the Representation of all Women in
The Women in Governance Parity Certification does not only evaluate parity at the decision-making level of an organization. It also embeds an intersectional lens when assessing the organization’s commitment to the implementation of mechanisms that enable all women, at all levels of its hierarchy, to achieve career advancement, thus creating a pipeline of diverse female talent.

Women in Governance makes a huge contribution to the corporate world. Women and men are the perfect complement to one another. We can be so much more successful in everything we do when we do it together.

Congratulations to Parity-certified organizations for everything you do to support women’s leadership. Each and every one of you brings important contributions to making gender equality a reality, not only in the business world, but also in our entire society.
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Helping Organizations Increase
the Representation of all Women in
the Representation of all Women in
Looking to Help Close the
Gender Gap in the Workplace?
Complete our short pre-qualification questionnaire to start your journey and get Parity Certified!
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